Finding your mojo!

mojo {noun} – a magic charm, or spell.

Have you found your mojo this year?

After a huge year, I did plenty of reflecting and deep diving into what served me well and what shifts needed to take place to get the best out of my new year. Perhaps not the best as in successful in my work and business because I feel extremely happy with my success in those areas, but rather the best out of ME.

You see it is very easy for me to get stuck in my day to day work, doing extra hours here and there, travelling for work (which can be exhausting), all while running from work to home and tending to the family, trying to stay connected with family and friends, and always last on the list is with any of my remaining energy focus on my needs (for all my coaching clients reading this, STOP! Yes, that is why I resonate with so many of you because I face the same issues).

Well, the story goes every year I want to bring myself back up to the top of the list. It starts out amazing in January because there are holidays in the mix. Less pressure with the kids out of their normal routines, we have mini summer breaks, fun weekends, we are more active, eating great summer salads and fresh foods. Then as we creep into February, life goes back to routine and my focus typically drops off as my day to day gets busy.

Not this year. I have found my mojo, my magic charm. So far so good.

What did I do differently that I can share with you. Hopefully something here resonates and can make a difference for you to find your mojo too:

  • Deep Reflection - deep dive into your previous year. The good, bad, and ugly. Write out what you did extremely well that served you, what went wrong, how did you sabotage yourself. Be brutally honest with yourself. Shine a spotlight and see what comes into focus.

  • Visualisation – in a quiet space, close your eyes, go within, and start to picture how you want to experience this year. If that doesn’t sit well with you then write. Freely, no stopping to edit, just write. Explain in detail what your year looks like, feels like, all the details. This helps you to identify what you want, where you need to make changes, helps bring in some mini goals.

  • What makes you happy – ask yourself what brings you joy, makes you smile, what do you love to do? Then find time for it, research your options, don’t rush into anything, listen to your gut, be guided by what feels right.

  • Share it – share your visualisation, what brings you joy, let those around you in and get them to help you on your journey of your best year yet!

  • Jump in – try not to overthink, there will always be excuses that pop up, once you have done some research and feel comfortable with your options, way forward, whatever it is (new job, gym, hobby) find your courage to have a go.

  • Get out of your comfort zone – this is where the magic happens! Don’t be afraid to mix things up, there is nothing like it to help you feel alive.

I hope you find your mojo to get the best out of your year. Message me if you would like some support!