The Power of Acknowledgement

How do you feel when someone has expressed kind words to you about your performance?

Acknowledgement is one of the simplest tools an organisation can use to create an environment of employee engagement, loyalty and high performance. People appreciate and respond positively when acknowledged. They are motivated by praise which validates and strengthens their commitment, leading them to be focused on achieving more and receiving more recognition. Emotions come first non-consciously and are contagious. It is great to tap into good energy and feelings of gratitude. As humans we all have a sense of belonging and desire to be appreciated.

In my corporate career I had many different Managers. If I had to rate them, the high performing leaders in my eyes were those who regularly expressed their gratitude for my hard work and dedication to my job role. Over my corporate years, the standout Manager was one who thanked me at the end of each day. I originally brushed it off, saying “it’s ok, it’s my job”. After a few weeks I learnt to say “you are welcome” with a big smile on my face. It made me happy to go to work, I felt appreciated and valued.  I took that insight and practised it with my staff when I reached a Managerial role.

Some benefits of creating and embedding acknowledgement in your organisation are:

  • higher trust and respect

  • reduction of stress and tension

  • build better teams

  • builds a more conducive environment for coaching and collaboration

  • people feel safer to share ideas, thoughts and become more innovative

  • research suggests an improvement to emotional and physical health

  • people tend to go the extra mile

Look for opportunities to create powerful connections with your team and express how much they are valued. Try to be specific, succinct and generous – speak from the heart and be honest. A small thank you goes a long way and if you take some time to personalise it, show appreciation and focus on growth… watch what happens!

Who can you acknowledge today?