Dial up your inner cheerleader

All it takes is a little moment in time when your inner judge runs wild and creates a longer lasting impact on how you move forward. Recently my inner judge reared its ugly head, it started a whole host of thoughts and overthinking to the stage where my imposter syndrome flared up. This easily happens when you find yourself in a situation outside your comfort zone.

Rationally I was not in danger, the situation was not bad however inside my emotions were playing havoc. I tried to calm down in the moment by taking a deep breath and tuning into my thoughts, body sensations and the present moment. I have a solid understanding of neuroscience principles, how the brain operates, and I know how to shift my mindset however in this particular moment it took all of my strength.

These moments in time can quickly spiral out of control and flare up imposter syndrome. The little voice in the back of your brain whispering that maybe you’re just not good enough to do this becomes so big it is shouting! The key is to remember that impostor syndrome isn’t your reality.

When you are feeling overwhelmed and emotional, you can use a Breathe, Label and Reframe technique:

Taking a deep breath relaxes your nervous system and brings you into the present. I recommend a counted breath. Breathe in, hold, breathe out. From a neuroscience perspective you are activating the Pre-frontal Cortex (executive thinking part of our brain) through your breath and counting.

Label the emotion you are feeling, this helps dampen down the limbic system (fight, flight, freeze response). You are not the emotion; you are simply feeling this way. Think of a specific descriptive word to explain your feelings.

Reframe and put some perspective on it, shift your thinking – take away the drama and focus on the situation a little less emotive. Your brain should now be moving more into the pre-frontal cortex, allowing you to think more clearly.

Here are some ways to gain back the power and make the impostor back down:

Acknowledge your accomplishments, it is not bragging if it is based on facts. A great start is to focus on something you are proud of. What have you achieved in your role or business? What can you celebrate today?

Practice the skill of being confident. Trust yourself to shift the internal narrative around. Create a new habit and repeat some confidence affirmations. One of my favourites is “I am enough, I am more than enough”.

Self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, remember that you are human and we all have our moments. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and find the courage to have conversations, talk through your situation with those you trust.

Build self-awareness and resilience. Tap into your Why. Remind yourself why you do what you do. Learn in each moment, adjust, and move forward.

Deep down you know you can do it, sometimes you just need a little reminder. When it comes to overcoming impostor syndrome and your inner judge, YOU do have control.

What can you adopt above to help dampen down your inner judge and dial up your cheer leader?