Letting go

What a year of wild rides, constant ups and downs. They say life is like a roller-coaster, but I think most of us at this point, want to get off and have a little rest for a minute! The people I have been working with over the past few months are all saying the same thing, I am feeling a tiredness like no other. It is a level of exhaustion that I find hard to describe.

The changes that we have had to endure throughout the year have been disruptive and created a lot of unbalanced emotion. From a neuroscience point of view, when we face constant change and uncertainty, we tend to spend a lot of time in threat response in our brain. This impacts our cognitive function and the ability to focus and make rational decisions.

This year has taught us many lessons whether it be, our ability to get through it all when faced with difficult situations, slowing down our ‘normal’ pace to be more present and have quality family time, create better family traditions at home, or our ability to be productive and work from home.

As we head into the end of the year, this is the perfect time to create some space to think.

What were some of your highlights and lowlights?

My lowlights were missing my family and friends, dropping my fitness routine, and the impact of Covid on my business. My highlights were feeling less pressure to do things, reconnecting at home and enjoying the simple things, exploring local places (we found a small café that has great coffee), and listening to heaps of podcasts on my walks.

What can you acknowledge?

I can acknowledge my resilience to keep going even when I felt tired, felt like quitting, and giving up on a full-time contract that I had gratefully secured. I acknowledge my kindness to give back to others and offer free workshops during Covid to help people get through and manage the crazy ride. I acknowledge my calmness and ability to create harmony at home, keeping the kids happy home learning (most days) with routine.

What do you need to let go of that isn’t serving you?

I forgive myself for being human and dropping the ball with my health and fitness routine. I let go the feeling of guilt, shame, and disappointment. I remove the pressure of keeping up, playing the comparison game, and saying the word ‘should’. I let go the feeling of deflation, self-sabotage, and imposter syndrome.

Now is the time to reset your focus and thinking to take those lessons forward and ensure that you stay mindful moving into the new year. After my reflections, I am more mindful of the balance between work and rest, setting clear boundaries for myself, practicing my neuroscience techniques that I teach, setting my own short-term goals, visualising what I want and making each day count.

It is a great exercise to do, I would love to hear how you go!

It helps you gain greater self-awareness, tap into what you really want and need moving forward.

Nothing will change unless YOU do, you have all the control.