Focus on your own path

Do you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others? Bringing feelings of anxiety, and fear that you are NOT… doing enough, good enough, old enough, young enough, working enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, the list can go on and on for miles.

These feeling arise quickly, easily and stay for a long time when we get stuck comparing ourselves to others. It strips away any type of happiness and leaves you feeling down and out. Why? Our ego steps in (the nasty inner judge) and fights us. When we spend time in threat response in our brain, we are unable to think clear and rational.

No one is perfect, we all at times find ourselves overthinking, comparing, and having a down day. What can you do to take back control of your thoughts? Start by being mindful and self-aware when this is happening. If you notice that you are doing it, then you have a choice to stop yourself. Stick to the facts and do a self check-in. Ask yourself, is what I am thinking true? How is this serving me? What is in my control? What can I do different?

Focus on your own path, do not fall into the comparison game especially when you may be at very different stages of life, career, or business. Put your energy into what will serve you best. What is in your control and what do you need to do to feel great, happy and succeed. Spend some time reflecting, and answer the below questions:

  • How many times a day do I (let my ego & judge) compare myself to others?

  • What types of things is my inner voice saying?

  • Are my thoughts fact or fiction?

  • When these thoughts pop up, what action can I take to shift my thinking?

It is easy to get stuck in comparing every detail of your world to others, the only time this is good, is if you are motivated by what you see, hear, and feel. Be mindful on what is showing up for you. Increase your self-awareness. Stop the comparison game. Focus your energy on what will serve you better.

Be happy. Be you. You are enough.